Search results for flat

22 Miles Up - 15mins in to 4 0    0

22 Miles up and there is no curve meaning we live on a flat earth

Truth Detective 731 views

Flatlantis (Full Videobook) - Eric Dubay 0    0

flatlantis is an exploration into the history of flat Earth, the mythology of Atlantis, and the mystery of Mount Meru, the alleged magnetic mountain ancient cultures worldwide believed existed at t...

Truth Detective 674 views

The Flat Earth Conspiracy (Full Videobook) - Eric Dubay 0    0

Wolves in sheep’s clothing have pulled the wool over our eyes. For almost 500 years, the masses have been thoroughly deceived by a cosmic fairy-tale of astronomical proportions. We have been...

Truth Detective 675 views

Amateur Rocket Proves Flat Earth & Hits Firmament 0    0

Amateur Rocket Proves flat Earth & Hits Firmament. One of now many such amateur rockets with attached go pro camera prove earth to be a flat & non rotating with a firmament.

Truth Detective 776 views

Flat Earth Proof - They lied to you 0    0

flat Earth Proof - They lied to you, NASA wont discus flat earth as NASA has no answers after deceiving the world. NASA means to deceive in Hebrew. Geocentric clock

Truth Detective 867 views

Antarctica The Ice Wall 0    0

Antarctica The Ice Wall flat out truth. 60th and 80th Parallel south.

Truth Detective 1,230 views

How Eclipses Work on Flat Earth 0    0

Many people think that modern astronomy’s ability to accurately predict lunar and solar eclipses is a result and proof positive of the heliocentric theory of the universe. The fact of the ma...

Truth Detective 944 views