Angelic Humanity Touchless Torture Judeas Psychotronic Inqui... 0 0
Touchless Torture Judeas Psychotronic Inquisition
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The 15 Chakra System - Ashayana Deane workshop
575 viewsAshayana deane - The Hidden Victim Victimizer Scripts 0 0
Ashayana deane - The Hidden Victim Victimizer Scripts
628 viewsNeil deGrasse Tyson says we have NEVER left low earth orbit ... 0 0
Neil deGrasse Tyson says we have a Firmament and have NEVER left low earth orbit
729 viewsWhy would they lie about the shape of the earth! 0 0
Why would they lie about the shape of the earth!
1,216 viewsEarth History - Fall of Metatron - Dance for Love 2002 Greec... 0 0
Earth History - Fall of Metatron - Dance for Love 2002 Greece Metatronic Matrix
762 viewsOld lady remembers being taught flat earth. 0 0
Old lady remembers being taught flat earth.
697 viewsProject Camelot Interview Part 3 of 3 0 0
Project Camelot Interview-Part 3 of 3 Project Camelot - Kerry Cassidy Interviews Ashayana Deane Part 3 (2010) *Credit: E'Asha A. Arhayas (Ashayana Deane), Kerry Cassidy: Project Camelot. ...
764 viewsProject Camelot Interview Part 2 of 3 0 0
Project Camelot Interview-Part 2 of 3 Project Camelot - Kerry Cassidy Interviews Ashayana Deane Part1 2 (2010) *Credit: E'Asha A. Arhayas (Ashayana Deane), Kerry Cassidy: Project Camelot. ...
723 viewsProject Camelot Interview Part 1 of 3 - Ashayana Deane 0 0
Project Camelot Interview-Part 1 of 3 Project Camelot - Kerry Cassidy Interviews Ashayana Deane Part 1 (2010) *Credit: E'Asha A. Arhayas (Ashayana Deane), Kerry Cassidy: Project Camelot. ...
980 viewsTHE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Ashayana Deane 0 0
The Kathara Grid Structure : THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Ecka God Wolrd Maps, explained by Ashayana Deane Ashayana-Deane Stairway to Heaven 2002 Prepare for Contact Workshop Bermuda
815 viewsTrue Earth History A brief summary by Ashayana Deane 0 0
True Earth History A brief summary by Ashayana Deane