
Ancient & Secret Technology Voir plus

Angels, Demons & Aliens Voir plus

Animals, Pets & Wildlife Voir plus

The Morning Star? - Lucifer? 0    0

It was unexpectedly light at 4:23am on the 02/06/2022 a light that had a pink hue, the birds were singing some say "The Morning Star" who knows but it was way to early to be light an...

Truth Detective 265 Vues

Anunnaki, Reptilians & Shapeshifters Voir plus

Cars, Vehicles & Transportation Voir plus

Cartoon, Comedy & Entertainment Voir plus

Everything Else Voir plus

metalic elements in the air 0    0

7 hrs - Translate   Ok so whos this sneaky so and so..... Hes only gone and pointed a high powered laser to the moon which has only gone and highighted the chemtrailed metal...

Truth Detective 1,005 Vues

Flat Earth Voir plus

22 Miles Up - 15mins in to 4 0    0

22 Miles up and there is no curve meaning we live on a flat earth

Truth Detective 169 Vues

Cosmological Cognitive Dissonance 0    0

Cognitive Dissonance is the psychological tension that occurs when holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously such as loving cows, but also loving hamburgers. The discomfort experienced when ...

Truth Detective 212 Vues

Flatlantis (Full Videobook) - Eric Dubay 0    0

Flatlantis is an exploration into the history of Flat Earth, the mythology of Atlantis, and the mystery of Mount Meru, the alleged magnetic mountain ancient cultures worldwide believed existed at t...

Truth Detective 179 Vues

Food, Diet & Nutrition Voir plus

Free Energy Voir plus

Gardening, Growing & Foraging Voir plus

Ghosts, Spirits & Super Natural Voir plus

Giants & The Nephilim Voir plus

Hoax & Faked Voir plus

Covid19 The Coronavirus Vidéo Voir plus

NASA & Moon Landing Hoax Vidéo Voir plus

NASA CGI Department 0    0

NAsa's "Art" department, where they make the space pictures everyne loves so much.

Truth Detective 360 Vues

Apollo 11 Press Conference 1    0

Apollo 11 Press Conference, so obciously lying they can barely look at each other & look miserable!

Truth Detective 305 Vues

Hyperborea - North Pole Voir plus

Inner Earth Voir plus

Natural & Holistic Health Voir plus

The Cause of All Diseases, Part 2: Royal Rife 0    0

"The Cause of All Diseases, Part 2 You cannot 'catch' germs, bacteria or viruses Louis Pasteur's "Germ Theory of Disease" proved incorrect A presenta...

Truth Detective 518 Vues

The Cause of all Diseases, Part 1: Louis Pasteur vs Antoine ... 0    0

A great narration of the health hoax history. PART 2: "The Cause of All Diseases, Part 1 You cannot 'catch' germs, bacteria or viruses Louis Paste...

Truth Detective 479 Vues

Natural Frequency Compounds Voir plus

News & Politics Worldwide Voir plus

Eating Human meat. 0    0

Whilst governments pay Farmers to stop farming to make a food shortage to help push Humanity toward self consumption and cannibalism.

Truth Detective 259 Vues

Outer Space, Extra Territories & E.T's Voir plus

Pharmaceutical, Pharmika & Vaccines Voir plus

Protests & Activism Voir plus

Rockefeller & Rothschild Voir plus

Rockefeller The Secret Covenant 0    0

The Secret Covenant “An illusion it will be, so large, so vast, it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will...

Truth Detective 578 Vues

Spirituality & Ascension Machanics Voir plus

Project Camelot Interview Part 3 of 3 0    0

Project Camelot Interview-Part 3 of 3 Project Camelot - Kerry Cassidy Interviews Ashayana Deane Part 3 (2010) *Credit: E'Asha A. Arhayas (Ashayana Deane), Kerry Cassidy: Project Camelot. ...

Elohim 487 Vues

True Earth History Voir plus

Is Earth a School or Prison? 0    0

One of the most widespread beliefs, found in nearly all religions and spiritual systems, is that we live in a wonderful world, designed by a benevolent designer, created by a wholly loving and perf...

Truth Detective 217 Vues

Unexplained & Mysterious Voir plus